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When to Say Yes
If you are someone who has too much to do and not enough time and would benefit from a framework of when to say yes, you will definitely want to read my book!
Topics Covered:
- Five Steps to Protect Your Time
- How to get crystal clear on the requests to accept
- How to remain focused and relaxed while performing at your best
- Khouri’s Seven Cs of Goal Setting
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About the Author
Meet Don Khouri
Don Khouri is the author of When to Say yes, The 5 Steps to Protect Your Time.
Don Khouri coaches technology executives and business leaders who want to be more productive and profitable.
He helps them achieve this by showing them how to streamline their activities, eliminate distractions, and better chose activities on which to focus.
Dr. Khouri has held several key leadership positions at Fidelity Investments during his successful 21-year career, and he is a PhD in Human and Organizational Systems.

Featured Reviews
“This is a book that ingeniously applies psychology and time management techniques to address the challenge of being productive. A tightly organized, well-presented case for a fresh new way of doing business.”
“Someday all of us who are stressed by an overbusy life will look back and miss the energetic life we once had. We will dearly wish we had enjoyed the ultrabusy phase more. Don’s book helps us do that by showing us how to say yes to the things that make busyness an inspiration and not a grind.”
Margaret Moore, MBA
Founder & CEO, Wellcoaches Corporation
Co-Founder, Chair, Institute of Coaching, McLean, a Harvard Medical School affiliate
“Dr. Khouri’s expertise in this area is unique. I love the way the process he outlines to protect our time is backed up by research and real-world experiences. If you are a leader or anyone who wants to be more productive, start with this book.”
Susan Miele, PhD, Chief People Officer, Ginkgo Bioworks
“I love this book! Dr. Don Khouri takes time management ideas I have heard of before and weaves them into his own practical, updated suggestions that I can use. It is also an enjoyable read with personable, often amusing stories scattered throughout that we can all relate to in our own lives.”
Holly Bardutz, PhD
“With all the requests we get for our time, learning when to say yes is an essential life skill. These steps are nothing short of brilliant at accelerating your productivity. Say yes to this book!”
Fred Joyal, Founder and former CEO of 1-800-Dentist
“If you want to be more intentional with your attention, follow the five-step process outlined in this powerful book filled with practical actions you can apply personally and professionally.”
Neen James
“If you ever find yourself wondering how you can better protect your most valuable asset, read When to Say Yes, a guidebook for prioritizing what matters and getting more out of every minute of your day.”
Scott Blandford, CIO, TIAA-CREF
“In today’s 24/7 world of never-ending busyness, Dr. Khouri has gifted us a refreshing and comprehensive roadmap for shifting away from the tyranny of the urgent and toward what matters most. I look forward to sharing his pragmatic wisdom and practical tools with all of my students and clients, and encourage everyone to do the same!”
Trevor Maber, PhD; Business School Professor, University of Saskatchewan